euspen’s 14th International Conference and Exhibition, June 2014

The Centre exhibited at euspen‘s 14th International Conference and Exhibition 1-6 June 2014 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

A number of key enabling technologies have been identified by the European Commission as being main drivers for developing the European industry sectors until year 2020. These include micro and nano-electronics, photonics, nanotechnologies, advanced materials, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing and processing.

Precision engineering plays an important role in addressing and further developing all of these key enabling technologies for the benefit of industry and society and most of these topics were covered by this conference.

The event offered the possibility to see latest advances in traditional precision engineering fields such as metrology, ultra precision machines and ultra precision manufacturing, assembly processes and motion control in precision systems. Furthermore, new topics were addressed covering precision engineering for medical products and additive manufacturing technologies.