Ultra Precision
Many emerging sectors and next generation products will demand large scale ultra precision (nanometre level tolerance) complex components. Such products include: next generation displays, plastic electronic devices, low cost photovoltaic cells, energy management and energy harvesting devices and logistics, defence and security technologies.
Their product performance is set to advance and the innovative manufacturing based on ultra precision technologies for these products defines the scope for the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision.
Cranfield University is home to Ultra-Precision Engineering. Surface Engineering and Precision Centre is hosting the “Centre of Doctoral Training” (CDT) in Ultra-Precision Engineering together with the University of Cambridge.
Further information of this EPSRC funded Centre is available on request.
The detailed information about the CDT in Ultra-Precision can be seen from this link.
Short Courses
Cranfield University is home to Ultra-Precision Engineering and trains the next generations of engineers in this area. Currently these are the two short courses being offered by Cranfield University in this area and you may directly contact Dr Claudiu Giusca (c.giusca@cranfield.ac.uk) to gain further info of these: